Who We Are
Friends of the Shenandoah Rail Trail launched as a 501c3 nonprofit in 2020 to support and further the work of the Shenandoah Rail Trail Exploratory Partnership. Both groups share the vision of transforming an unused single-track railroad corridor between Broadway to Front Royal into a multi-use 49-mile trail reconnecting communities, businesses, schools and many local cultural and historic resources.
Board of Directors Friends of the Shenandoah Trail
Shenandoah Rail Trail Exploratory Partnership
The Shenandoah Rail Trail Exploratory Partnership Governance Council has representation from all the towns and counties along the route, in addition to the two regional Planning District Commissions and three regional nonprofits. It’s a large group, but this makeup ensures each community is represented and that considerations for each locality will be taken into account as the vision for the trail unfolds.
Bill Johnston
Ann Cundy
Executive Director,
Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission
Brandon Davis
Executive Director,
Northern Shenandoah Valley Regional Commission
Don Hindman
Austin Garber
Town Manager,
Town of Timberville
Kate Wofford
Executive Director,
Alliance for the Shenandoah Valley
Kyle Lawrence
Executive Director,
Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition
Lisa Currie
Town of Toms Brook
Brandy Hawkins Boies
Town of Strasburg
Interested in joining our board in the future? Contact us.
Resolutions of Support
The creation of the Shenandoah Rail Trail Partnership, the 17-member coalition of towns, counties, planning district commissions and several nonprofits who share a vision of a multi-use Shenandoah Valley Rail Trail is in itself a testament to the widespread support for the project.
In addition to that formal partnership, localities, businesses and community groups are confirming their interest in the project by passing resolutions of support. We’ll track those here – adding resolution text and new resolutions as they come in.
If you’re a part of an organization that would like to show support, please reach out and we’ll help to get you on the list!